Introducing XenoBike
XenoBike is the latest product addition to XenomatiX’ product portfolio. It is a four-wheel, electric bicycle equipped with XenoTrack road lidar technology and a complete 6D scanning kit. XenoBike is specifically engineered to assess the condition of the bike lane, identifying potential hazards like cracks, potholes and bumps, and optimizing resource allocation for cost-effective maintenance. AWV, the Road Agency in Flanders has chosen XenomatiX’ bike lane inspection services. You can read more here
Its compact size and agile maneuverability allow it to access hard-to-reach areas that larger vehicles simply cannot reach. This means no lane is off-limits, whether it’s a narrow alleyway or recreational paths through the woods or parks. It can navigate various lanes, regardless of size or terrain delivering reliable performance every step of the way. You can watch the latest webinar on XenoBike and traffic lanes inspections here