Video from XenomatiX Lidar

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Innovative Road Management: An Insight from Colorado Springs, USA
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XenomatiX' technology helps enhance safety on roads. Use case from Pueblo West Country, USA.
XenomatiX' bike lane inspection with XenoBike
XenomatiX' surveying solution for road inspection applications
Detection and Classification on Highway
XenoTrack - Road Lidar for Road Management Services
Automation in Agriculture with a #TrueSolidStateLidar
Welcome to XenomatiX' true-solid-state LiDAR
Heads-up display solutions with solid state lidar
True-solid-state LiDAR depicting a very busy street
XenoLidar-X Dataset 'Inner City'
Meet XenoLidar-X and its controller
Welcome to XenomatiX' true-solid-state LiDAR
XenoLidar-X: The only moving part is the vehicle
COMING SOON: A new gen true-solid-state LiDAR
6D Road Scanning and Surveying with XenomatiX
Road Management Applications with XenomatiX
The value of validated physic-based lidar simulations
Interview with Filip Geuens, XenomatiX' CEO at AutoSens 2020
XenomatiX and Siemens: A tour in a self-driving vehicle
Book a lidar demo
A true solid state lidar in the city center
Crowd detection with AI and a true solid state lidar
Object detection AI with a true solid state lidar