Engineering services
Solutions for Everyone
Our Engineering Team can collect road condition data for you on any pavement type and any road. Our customers include road surveyors, road authorities and road construction & maintenance companies:
- Compare road conditions over time
- Plan road maintenance and save money
- Ensure road construction quality
- Follow-up your maintenance work with objective quality metrics
- Insight into repairs required
- Compare road conditions over time
XenomatiX’ lidar concept is built around a modular design. Additional hardware modules can be custom designed and different hardware modules can be combined to create a new lidar, centralized or distributed in the vehicle.
Additionally, XenomatiX’ lidars can be fused for further enhanced applications and augmented performance.
Requirements, object lists and standards differ between customers and countries and customized programming is often the most efficient way to get it done right. XenomatiX’ software development team relies on the latest technologies and techniques, groups decades of experience and expertise in many markets and domains, all while focusing on optical sensors, with centrally XenomatiX’ lidar sensors.
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Why XenomatiX?
Quick set up
High accuracy
3D pointcloud & 2d images
No moving parts
Scalable & affordable