Know-how and best practices on the ‘Digital Twin’
Leuven 24.08.2022 – This year, XenomatiX organized the first edition of the Digital Twin Conference (DTC). The event featured a keynote by Lydia Peeters, Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works, and five other 7 relevant high-profile speakers.
Aimed at Dutch-speaking cities and municipalities, the event welcomed road builders, PPP operators, BIM and GIS specialists, research institutions and service providers, all active in the management of road networks.
The aim of the conference is to bring all road authorities together so that knowledge and know-how can be shared. Participants learned about road characteristics, new technologies and methods to help local authorities to optimize road management. OCW, the City of Leuven, ESRI, Aquafin and XenomatiX shared their experiences and opened the discussion points for the networking moment.
As a Flemish high-tech company in LiDAR technology, XenomatiX has been actively contributing to safe and comfortable roads and cycle paths since 2015. Participation to the conference is free of charge for the target group.
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